Friday, June 17, 2011

JUne 2011


Lindsay said...

Your work is beautiful. I'll be painting downtown this weekend near Sun Furniture. A couple of us may paint outside when it cools off in front of the building. I was involved in Shreveport's art scene until my asberger's made it very difficult. I decided to come back cause it's all I know and I had to reach out for some space for my newest work to begin. I'm Lindsay, very nice to 'meet' you.

ghost girl said...

Oh it is very nice to meet you as well. I have visited your blog from time and time and find it beautiful in spite of the pain. I should say your means of coping with your tragedies with art and poems is beautiful. I am New Orleans now, I moved from North La about 2 years ago. I was a little involved in the art scene up there but i have some major anxiety and it gets in the way of being social. If I were in Shreveport I would love to see you..maybe one day? Until then lets keep in touch. I have bookmarked your blog. Best wishes

Lindsay said...

Wow, so I guess you read that my anxiety keeps me from being too social as well. I'm trying to 'network' but It's my second try in six years. Thank you for 'hanging' out on my blog and for calling my pain beautiful. We will keep in touch.